As you can see the picture, there’s no EMC selection and I have checked part no.,(that’s not a problem)
Could you let me know what should I do to correct the error?
Error message is “The sleeve is not compatible with the frame and EMC choice. Please select a vaild combination.”
One of clue we found out is “331:” should be added in front of the part number without blank.
What’s the meaning of 331? and shall I need to put it ahead of part number if I use round solution?
Hello Jinwoo
We are looking into this issue and will let you know when we have an update
Allow me, Sir
Just trying to think on it, hope it helps more or less.
Hellow Joey li,
Thanks for letting me know that!
Yes, We could recognize that “331” should be in front of the part number during some of the tests(uploading/downloading)
However, there are not any interpretations about “331” and even it causes the error while uploading and refecting Excel template.
We luckily found the solution(the reason that we could resolve this error is we are familiar with RTD) but, in case the user is a customer, it will not be easy to realize what the problem is…
This error should be corrected although the question started with my personal curiosity.

The error has been resolved in the recent update, it shall now handle the upload again without the need of using solution ID.
If there’s any questions please let me know.