1.42.0 - 2024-08-20
- Added the option to manage collaborators from the asset list
- Made the location comment visible for other product types under the information tab
- Added information about which asset and product type is selected when managing collaborators, since this can now be done from multiple locations
- Changed the cursor to become a pointer when hovering over certain objects, to make it clear their clickable
- Disabled the download inspection reports function for inspections in a planned state
- Updated the warning that filter is active when downloading reports. This now includes a warning that the active selection also impacts this
- Improved the log entries when moving a transit between floor plans
- Fixed an issue where editing a multi-imported transit would generate incorrect log messages
- Added the option to filter on custom data fields that have not been filled in
- Added the option to filter on Product that has not been specified
- Added the option to filter on transits that have no tags set
- Removed quarters from relative timestamps, replaced with months
- Fixed an issue where the text for product types on hydraulic hoses would overlap other text
- Updated the legend in the excel reports to only include the statuses present in the report
- Changed the add inspection, edit inspection and get report dialogues, they will now generate as a drawer
- Fixed an issue where the latest modifying activity would not update correctly for all assets in an asset group
1.41.9 - 2024-07-04
- Added a notification when trying to download a report with a filter active. That this is active for the report
- Updated Asset admin notification emails to only be sent when a new administrator is added
- The select all button will no longer display in the collaborators list if its empty
- Added a filter option to display transits that have not yet been placed on a floor plan
- Fixed an issue with the manage collaborators list where information would disappear while scrolling
- Fixed an issue where certain PDF files were not recognized correctly when uploading them
1.41.8 - 2024-07-02
- When expanding menu options that open outside of the current view, it will now automatically scroll to display the information
- Updated the add document error message that occurs when trying to upload an unsupported file type. The message should now reflect what type of file is being uploaded
- Fixed an issue where an empty transit log entry was generated when setting the same demand specifications
- The select all button will no longer display if there are no items
- When changing a custom data field, the field label now displays while editing.
- The upload documents text is no longer displayed for users that do not have access to upload documents.
1.41.6 - 2024-06-11
- Updated “item” under manage item drop downs to now reflect the selected product type
- Allowed expired products to be selectable on transits that already contain them
- Updated the Download reports window to now reflect which product type is selected
1.41.5 - 2024-06-11
- Any change to an inspection will now count towards its activity
- Updated the navbars so the text is no longer selectable
1.41.4 - 2024-06-10
- Added a warning when decreasing the size of a transit to a smaller size then its original
- Fixed a sensitive information warning that would display incorrectly on lower resolutions
- The transits displayed under geolocations are now split into pages with the options 25, 50 or 100 items per page
- Fixed an issue where the transit drawer would display incorrectly on mobile devices
- Fixed an issue where the reports would contain statuses from all products. It will now only contain statuses for the selected product
- Improved the error message that is displayed when trying to view a deleted transit
- Updated the “Add item” and “Add multiple items” buttons to now reflect the selected product type
- It is no longer possible to change tabs/sides of a BTB transit while there are pending changes. Added a notification to make this clear
- Added a section under add/edit item for custom data fields
- Updated BTB transits so the selected status no longer carries over when switching tabs
- Fixed margins on the product tab
1.41.3 - 2024-05-28
- Added a “Not set” option in the global filter for geolocations
- Improved the transit inspection log, making it much easier to read
- Fixed editing and focusing issues related to geolocations
- Fixed an issue where buttons would become jumbled up when decreasing the size to the geolocation information past a point
1.41.2 - 2024-05-17
- Added Front and Back tabs under Openings and tags for Back to Back solutions
- Disabled Livechat. Working on replacement
1.41.1 - 2024-05-15
- Added new access profile for Surface treatment
- Fixed an issue that would generate empty insulation log entries
- Fixed Floor plan notifications not displaying correctly
1.41.0 - 2024-05-08
- Updated the access log to only display product type if there is a non default value
- Fixed an issue where the delete transit dialogue would reappear after successfully deleting a transit
- Fixed an issue where the latest changed date would display incorrectly
- Changed an error message that appeared when using a direct link to a transit that changed floor plans after the link was generated. Now a descriptive message will be shown instead
- Fixed an issue where location changes of a transit would not correctly update in the transit log
- Improved the visuals for multi-edit dialogues
- Moved the demand specification comment location to make it visually clear what the comment is about
- Updated translations for multi-edit dropdowns
- Added warnings when invalid emails are specified under collaborators
- Added a separate section for Safety and Compliance under transit information
- Added a new button for Safety demands when using multi-edit
- Moved all product related information to the same section in the transit information
1.40.1 - 2024-04-25
- Fixed unresponsive save button when editing custom data fields
- Improved the visual design of the status dialogue
- Updated the access log to include product types when granting access to assets
- Fixed an issue where tooltips stayed visible even after clicking a link
- Updated text colors for plots on floor plans to make them uniform with the rest of the application
- Fixed an issue where searching for users returned duplicate results
- Fixed an issue where components would load earlier then intended
- Pressing enter while typing in the customer administrator email field should no longer reload the page
1.40.0 - 2024-04-18
- Replaced the change status dialogue
- Moved Custom data fields to its own tab
- Improved application load times
- When a transit gets deleted, it will close open windows related to it
- Changed the color of text in status bubbles. These should now match through the application
- Removed sorting by last modified transit status date, as this option was confusing
- Fixed an issue where the edit asset dialogue would not update correctly
- Added a transit insulation status dialogue
- Added padding to tags
- Disabled geolocation selection when creating an item from the geolocations menu
1.39.3 - 2024-03-26
- Changes to tags now count towards the “Last changed” global filter
1.39.2 - 2024-03-26
- Opening / closing a transit will no longer generate browser history. This caused issues when using the browser back button.
- Limited the auto complete function when adding collaborators to only include users on the customer account or Roxtec employees
- Removed product editing options for transits imported from RTD
- Fixed an issue where incorrect label names were displayed in the global filter
- Enabled product comments for all product types
- Changed Product type in the global filter to Product to avoid confusion with asset product types
- Fixed an issue where drop down menus would display in the wrong location
- Fixed a bug where the application would throw an error if opening a floor plan link with an active transit id
1.39.1 - 2024-03-20
- Fixed an issue where obsolete or removed roles would generate an error message
1.39.0 - 2024-03-15
- Fixed an issue where the save button would disappear when adding / editing an asset
- When navigating to a new transit, it will now open on the same tab as the previous transit
- Fixed an issue where viewing a transit did not load content correctly
- Fixed editing comments generating an empty log post
- Fixed the sorting of product types
- Fixed an error message that was displayed when opening floor plans via an link
- Moved comments to its own section in the Add/Edit item menu
- Added descriptive text regarding Safety and Compliance under Demand specifications
- Generalized text for delete asset group
1.38.0 - 2024-02-29
- Fixed an issue where the multiselect would display incorrect translations
- Fixed an issue where orientation and rotation would not display for “legacy” transits
1.37.1 - 2024-02-27
- Fixed an issue with the Transit Designer access profile not working properly
1.37.0 - 2024-02-27
- Changed the appearance of the Add asset dialogue
- Changed the edit asset dialogue to only show relevant information
- Changed the dialogue for custom data field
- Changed the edit asset dialogue
- Removed transit specific descriptors from the download reports menu
- Updated links on the subscription page
- Updated the delete item dialogue to a new appearance and added support for removing multiple items
- Removed padding from the Collaborators menu
- Updated icons to have a consistent appearance
- Changed the Save button, it will now show as loading after being pressed. This will prevent multiple save requests.
- Removed out of date information link
- Removed transit descriptors from other product types
- Added geolocation to add item
- Removed demand specifications from product types that do not support them
- Transit Designer URLs should now only be visible on transits
- Removed horizontal / vertical orientation from non-transit product types
- Removed opening ID from non-transit product types
- Changed reference locations to be active by default with a toggle icon.
1.36.1 - 2024-01-30
- Fixed the styling of certain splash screens
1.36.0 - 2024-01-30
- Updated the pricing model for both Transit Build & Operate. They now share the same pricing model.
- Changed certain icons
- Changed the spacing on certain buttons
- Moved notifications that were partially blocked by the LiveChat icon
- Removed the perspective dropdown menu for non transit products
- Changed the behavior of select / deselect all buttons. The behavior should now be consistent for all buttons.
1.35.2 - 2024-01-10
- Fixed an issue that prevented some users from accessing the application
1.35.1 - 2024-01-10
- Fixed an issue where users would get email notifications regarding access changes but no changes had occurred
- Changed “Remove Asset” to “Remove Product Type” to better reflect new functionality
- Removed the Sandbox asset tour as it was not used
- Added the option to filter on water / gas tightness in the global demand specification filter
1.35.0 - 2024-01-05
- Updated the color scheme of drop down menus
- Fixed an issue where clicking Edit location would generate an error message
- Removed “Openings” from non transit products
- When selecting a floor plan the application will automatically set the filter to that floor plan
- Fixed an issue where EMC and EX labels would not display correctly when editing multiple demand specifications
- Removed the geolocation field from Add transit on Marine & Offshore assets
- Non-transit products will now have their properties shown in the item list
- Changed the “Transit Openings” tab to “Openings and tags” for transits and “Tags” for other products
- Updated the delete asset component to support other product types
1.34.5 - 2024-01-05
- Fixed an issue where a transit log post was generated even when no changes were made
1.34.4 - 2024-01-05
- Fixed an issue where transits could not be placed / removed from floor plans
1.34.3 - 2024-01-05
- Fixed an issue where the global filter would not update correctly when using the free text search
- Added a “Get Reports” button to the dropdown menu when transits have been selected in the list
1.34.1 - 2023-10-30
- When hoovering over an item that can be dragged onto a floor plan, the cursor will change to reflect this
- Removed the function to add multiple transits using a mobile device
1.34 - 2023-10-30
- Fixed that the “Remove collaborator” button was visible even if the user lacked access to it
- Fixed alignment of text in the asset overview
- Fixed a bug that occurred when deleting assets with no collaborators.
- Improved several UI elements for mobile devices
- Fixed a bug where the “back” button was missing
- Added a function to change the size of the Transits icons displayed on the floor plan
- Fixed the sorting of solution product groups
- Modified the global filter to allow filtering based on each individual transit opening
- Fixed a bug where certain actions would not generate a transit log post
- Fixed a bug where the asset dashboard would not properly load the latest transit status
- Changed the filter option “per opening” from a checkbox to a toggle
- Various bug fixes and backend improvements
1.33 - 2023-10-17
- Added a save button when editing custom data fields while removing the autosave.
- Enabled auto-focus when editing custom data field
- It is now possible to place transits on floor plans in the web interface
- Added a select all function when working with the people list
- Long floor plan names are now truncated under the transits page. The full name is displayed as a tooltip when hovering.
- Updated the transit log to only show demand specifications when they change
- Adjusted the button padding for a confirmation dialog
- Fixed the Trail / Training asset alignment in the assets list
- Removed duplicate images from the transit log. Only unique images will be shown.
- Added a “Select all button” in the transits list.
- Added a tab for the “Place Transits” function that shows transits on other floor plans.
- Added a dropdown menu in the transits list that allows editing of multiple transits. Currently available options “Edit Demand Specifications” “Attach Documents” “Tag Items”
- Various backend and security improvements
1.32.1 - 2023-09-14
- Image serial numbers are now correctly carried over to the next log entry on grouped entries.
- Fixed Geolocations bug where the add locations button did not work.
- Image serial numbers should now be included in all transit log entries with images.
1.32 - 2023-09-12
- Added a progress bar when opening the people tab, as this can take a moment to load if there are many collaborators.
- Included the name of whoever closes an inspection in the notification email
- Moved the “Reference Location” toggle to the floor plan view
- Added tooltips when you hover over an icon in the Floor Plan view
- Added an error message where a blank screen was shown previously
- The transit log now displays the Floor plans display name instead of the filename.
- Fixed table column headers of transit and inspection reports. They should now correctly reflect the content.
- Fixed the position of the “Download reports” button on lower resolutions
- Fixed transparent table headers that appeared when scrolling through the Asset access list.
- Added notification that users will be notified via email when changing asset access.
- The application no longer saves if the user edits a transit without making any changes
- Added number of openings / collaborators statistics to the asset overview
- Changed the display of images filenames in the transit log to a serial number.
- Various bug fixes and backend improvements