User Manual - Web application

Link to the written guide

1. Select / Edit account
2. Select / Edit Asset
3. Add collaborators
4. The Dashboard
5. Transits
6. Floor Plan
7. Asset documents

Add Transit

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Click on the link Transits

Click on the button Add transit

Select a Name

Enter Location information

Enter the Tag serial number

Enter any custom data

Click on the link Demand specification

Select a Fire Rating

Select a Gastight rating

Select the Tightness Spec

Select the EMC rating

Click on the toggle button to change the EX rating

Add any comments

Click on the button Next

Select a Product group

Select the Solution

Add any product Comments

Click on the button Add to finalize and save your transit

Add Asset

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Click on the button Add asset

Select if the asset is Marine & Offshore or On Land

Click on the input field Name

Select a Name for the asset

Fill out the Optional fields Asset type, IMO or Facility ID, Certifying Authority

Click on the combo box Product Type

Select the Product Type you want to use for this asset. More can be added later.

Click on the button Save to finalize your asset

3. Add collaborators

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Click on the button Manage

Click on Collaborators

Click on the input field Email

Enter the email of the user you want to add

Select the Access Profile they should have

Click on the button Invite

Click on the button Open if you wish to change the access of a user

Click on the access profiles you want to add. Clicking on an already selected profile removes it.

Click on Revoke access if you want to remove all their access

4. Add Product type

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Here you can see a summary of Transit Statuses

You can change the Perspective from Transits to Openings

Click on Openings

Here you can see the Totals for Transits, People and Activity

The Transit Event Log displays all the most recent Transit events

You can Download reports

Select what reports to download

Click on the button Download

Click on the button Close

Add Product

Video transcript

Click on the link Product type in this example Valves is the selected type

Click on the button Add valve

Select a name for the Valve. This is the only required field

Enter any Location information

Enter the Tag serial number

Click on the button Next

Enter any Product specific information

Click on the button Add to save and complete the Valv

Add.Floor Plan

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Click on the link Floor plans

Click on the button Add Floor Plan

Drag a file onto the field or click it to browse your computer for a file

When you have uploaded the file you will have the option to change rotation

Click on the button Save to save the current display as a floor plan

Select a name for the floor plan and click Save

Click on the button Crop if you want to Crop a specific area of the uploaded image. You can crop multiple times on the same image.

Click on the button Save crop to save the current crop area as an floor plan

Select a name for the floor plan and click Save

Click on the button Done when you are finished

You should now see the floor plans listed

Add Asset documents

Video transcript

Click on the link Asset documents

Click on the button Add document

Select the Type of document you wish to upload

Drag and drop a file onto the file field or Click on the file field to browse your files for the document.

Select a file

Click on open

Remove Asset documents

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Click on the link Asset documents

Click on the checkbox to select a document

Click on the checkbox Select all to select all documents

Click on the drop down menu

Click on Remove

Click on the button Delete to finalize the deletion

Download Asset documents

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Click on the link Asset documents

Click on the download button next to a document to download that specific document

Click on the checkbox to select specific documents

Click on the checkbox Select all to select all documents

Click on the drop down menu

Click on Download if multiple files are selected they will be downloaded in a zip file

Add multiple transits

Video transcript

Click on the link Transits

Click on the button Add transit

Click on the button Add multiple transits

Click on the button Download Excel template

Fill out the excel sheet with the desired information. You can find details on how to do this on the Example with instructions sheet

Click on the button Upload Excel file and upload the file

You will see a preview of the uploaded file, here you can edit any information as well.

Click on a field to edit it

You can add a row by clicking Add row

Any required or invalid values will be marked with red

You can remove the selected row by clicking Remove selected rows

You can undo changes by clicking this button

You can redo changes by clicking this button

Click on the button Summary when you want to continue

Check the summary and click Finish to finalize the upload

Download reports

Video transcript

Click on the link Transits

Select the transits / products you want to include in the report. If none are selected, the report will include all of them

You can setup a Filter with a Filter active, only the filtered items will be included in the report

Click on the button Manage

Click on Get Reports

Select the options you want included in the report

Click on the button Download

Custom data fields

Video transcript

Click on the button Manage

Click on Custom Data Fields

Click on the button Add Custom Field to add a new field

Click on the input field Name

Enter a Name for your custom data field

Click on the button Save Custom Field

Click on the button Edit to change the name of a field

Enter a new Name

Click on the button Save

You can Delete a field entirely from the asset

Make sure to read the warning and press Delete to confirm the deletion